Friday, June 26, 2009

Jett Li

When I first got Jett- 1 year ago for my birthday- I didn't really want another Shih tzu because I felt like Bruce was enough & felt that we were such great buddies that another would cause problems. I thought that Bruce might be jealous.
Jett was sortof the coloring of a little wolf & his tongue hung out constantly. I thought that he might have problems but he was sweet so we got him anyway.
He was so different from Bruce. He chewed on everything! Furniture, shoes, papertowels, just anything that he could get his mouth on. It was strange to me since Bruce had never been into chewing on things. I bought Jett so many chew toys, chew treats & all but he still would chew on anything in site. I had a problem potty training him but hoped he would pick it up from Bruce. He did use puppy pads though or use it outside if he just happened to be out there when he needed to go.
Now, a year later (almost) He has learned to only use it outside and he has stopped chewing on things other than his toys. I was lazy with Jett and didn't push the issues hard, but he still learned. Maybe Bruce tells him and he is finally listening. I'm not sure. He is just so sweet now & a big licker. He gets along great with Bruce- they don't fight, just play & I am very happy that we have him. He has fit into the family well, gives Bruce more much needed exercise & my cat Marsha is starting to warm up to him finally.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bruce Lee

Bruce is 3 yrs. old. I bought him in Ga. I wasn't sure what to expect from him since the only dog that I had ever owned before was a bassett hound. My husband's aunt Betty had a Shih tzu named Baxter that I met when we went to visit that made a huge impression on me. He was calm, smelled good, would sit in the begging position, potty trained & all of the things that my bassetts weren't. I wasn't sure if it was all Shih tzus or just him. We bought Bruce & he was cute, sweet and playful. The loyalty as he grew shocked me. Potty training just seemed natural for him. He didn't chew on anything other than his teething toys.
It seemed that we could do anything with him. Most hotels would allow him, he would hike up mountains with us, camp, even swim. It just seemed that for an indoor type of dog- he was very well rounded. Bruce is very smart & I notice that even more now that I have Jett. The only problem that I ever had was that when he was around a year or so, he liked to mark territory in the house. I tried everything until I had him fixed. That did stop it for awhile but we moved- a little maltese visited and Bruce started marking again. We have moved again and he doesn't do it here. Not inside anyway.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Shih tzus

I have 2 Shih tzus that I will regularly be posting pictures of & telling about new suprising things that they do. I was always a cat person until I got these dogs. My oldest is Bruce Lee. He is extremely smart. I like to brag that when he was young, he potty trained his own self. He is just so smart that it is amazing to me. My 2nd Shih tzu is named Jett Li. He is the cutest puppy that I have ever seen. He isn't so bright but with the help of his family and Bruce, he is getting better. His tongue is too big for his mouth, so don't laugh at him when I start posting pictures of him because he can't help it. I chose the asian names for both of them since I share the same middle name & since they are asian dogs originally anyway. They both are full of energy so they might as well be little kung fu fighters!