Monday, February 22, 2010

Why Shih tzus are the best...

They probably aren't. I mean, the breed of dog really depends on the owner & how much time they have, their lifestyle, living arrangement & funds. All I know is that the Shih tzu has to be the best dog for me- because I can't imagine a better one. There are many great websites out there to help people pick the dog that is right for them. There was a time in my life when the Bassett Hound fit into my life much better than a Shih tzu would have. I loved my Bassetts but didn't have as much as an emotional bond as I do with my Shih tzus now. I don't have much experience with different dog breeds.
In my early days, I lived with 2 of those Huskies. I think that is what they were- from Alaska- big, fluffy, white- just gorgeous dogs. My memory might be going or maybe back then, I was just very busy because I only remember those dogs when we went on trips. That is because I had to sit in the back seat with them and this one vomited on me each & every time without fail. They are probably good dogs but from my brief experience- not good travel dogs. My Shih tzus are great travellers & have never gotten sick in the car.
The only other dog that I have any experience with at all is the Dashund. These must be good dogs because everytime I have ever mentioned that dog to anyone that I might happen to be around- I always hear great responces. This was the dog that was around me for a big part of my life.
My dad had one named Custer. He was brown & black. The neighbors had one or two of the red ones. I don't remember them as being bad. I just don't remember them as being a family dog. It seemed like they were my dads dog & only his dog. I don't remember them paying attention to anyone but him. They followed him everywhere, they waited under his chair. I even remember them barking at other family members like we could have been strangers. I keep saying "they, them" well, that is because they all looked alike & all had the same name- Custer. When one would die, he would get another identical brown/black daschund & name him Custer too. They have all blended into one dog to me because there was nothing that set each one apart. They all followed him & stayed under his chair. I had a hamster that paid more attention to me than those dogs but loyalty has to be one of their bonus points. My Shih tzus are loyal as well- but not to that degree.

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