Monday, July 13, 2009

Bruce & Jett

It amazes me how faithful they are. Every morning when I wake up, there they are. They refuse to leave the room until I do. Wherever I go, they will sleep or play beside me, until I get up. Somehow they just know to wait outside of the bathroom door when I go in there, even if I am going to brush my teeth & don't shut the door. They are just so trusting & sweet. It makes me so mad when I hear about people doing mean things to dogs because they are so sweet that they will be nice to people even when the people aren't nice to them it seems like. I'm very good to my dogs because I love them & there is no reason to ever be mean. They try to do good and they usually do. When they do something that I don't think is right, then I blame myself for not teaching it to them yet. I don't blame them because what it boils down to is that they are still dogs... they are great. I think that if I didn't have the patience to be patient with them while they are learning, then I probably wouldn't deserve to have them. Luckily Bruce learns fast. Jett wasn't very fast & there were times when I felt frustrated with him but his good points just outweighed the fact that he was slow. He got sick at one point & I was terrified. I think that is when I really realized how much I cared for him even during the time that he didn't seem to do much right. I'm glad that it worked because now I don't have any problems with Jett, he seems to have caught on & maybe Bruce helped him learn some things, i'm not sure. What I do know is that I couldn't imagine them not being in the family because they really add to our happiness a lot.

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